Saturday, February 23, 2013

Background checks

I'm getting set up on,, and but I'm running into a dilemma. Each one would like to me to do a background check. Each background check costs between 30.00 - 40.00 dollars. I have done one already through the state to certify my child care through them. So I choose not to do it again and again but than I receive emails everyday stating that I haven't finished setting up my account or profile. Sigh.

Each one wants testimonials too but I don't want to ask all my parents to set up an account on every site to write me a testimonial. So I also have my testimonials on my blog and references that I give in person.

So until I get my background check done on every site I am here to proclaim that I have already done one. I'm cleared through the state to be safe. Not that a background check is the clear all to safety. You want to have similar values, discipline styles, rules and rewards. I have my style that would be more structured than my husbands or that my step children are use to but I am open to other parents preferences and have no problem adjusting to what they prefer in their own homes.

This is all it looks like too.... boring.